Our experience in the medical industry includes grinding of medical devices and surgical instruments and spans over a wide range of applications. We have teamed with industry leading manufacturers on products such as heart valves, catheters, surgical burrs, bone drills, screws and joint replacement parts like knee, hip and shoulder.

Depending on your exact preference for resin, metal or vitrified bonded wheels, our bond systems are designed to grind superbly in all types of coolants like water, de-ionized water, oils and synthetics. Talk to our Application Specialists about our line of customized medical bond systems and how we can help you.

Ask us about our experience with these and other Medical applications

Surgical Tools
Bone Drills
Bone Saws
Bone Screws
Surgical Burrs

Orthopedic Reconstruction
Hip – ball and socket

Specialty Parts
Catheter Wire
Heart Valves